The Lending Library
Starting in 2024, I have my collection of books and tarot cards on location for lending! In order to lend, a contract must be signed, and a yearly fee of $50 must be paid. The fee can be partially mitigated by donating items to the library, up to $25.
Some rare, out of print, or otherwise hard to obtain items will be available for in store use only to prevent loss of rare materials.
DID YOU FIND A LIBRARY BOOK? First, let me say thank you for swooping in and saving the book from an unknown fate. Please send me an email, or DM me on our Facebook so we can reunite the book with the bookshelf it calls home!
All contracts for membership are stored digitally with Elizabeth. The terms & conditions for our library are below for general visibility.
1. Lending
-All materials are available for lending periods of 7, 14, or 21 days. Items can be renewed for an additional 14 days if there is no one waiting for the item.
-When items are due, they must be brought back during office hours and handed directly to Elizabeth to be considered “checked in”. Elizabeth is happy to provide email updates regarding checkout and returns. Confirmation of returns will be emailed.
2. Fees
-A yearly membership fee of $50 (fifty dollars) is due at the time of joining. Up to $25 of this yearly fee can be mitigated by donating materials. 50% of MSRP will credited for any item donated.
-There are no late fees; in lieu of traditional late fees, there will be a one-week suspension of library privileges per late item.
3. Purchasing
-If there is an item you’d like to purchase, Elizabeth is happy to acquire the item from the distributor, or help you find the best price to purchase. If items are damaged or lost, their MSRP must be paid to Elizabeth, with the exception of rare or out of print items must be replaced in similar condition at cost to the borrower.
4. Donating
If you have materials to donate to the library, this will be reflected in your membership price for up to $25 per year. Items donated after joining will not be retroactively credited/refunded. Rare, out of print, or specialty materials will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Once items are donated, they become the property of Elizabeth Morris, the sole proprietor of Solar Moon Sisters LLC. Donated materials and fee offset to be noted below [in contract] at the time of joining.