01 Oct 2024: X the Wheel

What goes up, must come down. I've been through yet another hermit introspection phase so I could heal some things that needed to be brought into the light, I've made more decisions for my path, and I'm coming home to a new location that will hopefully be home for a long time. I finished my cacao training, I started NLP life coach training, and I cracked down on the Theresa Reed class I registered for in April, but had to space out because Astrology makes my head spin. Home is now looking like my very own room in a tattoo shop so I can take care of my clients on Sundays and Mondays, and then work with the guys Tuesday to Friday. Saturdays will be dedicated to time with my family and friends. Things are looking up in a way I haven't been able to find in a long, long while. See you out there, sunbeams!

29 May 2024: 1 the Magician

We have come full circle on many things in my life. I no longer work with Amazon, but I am excited to take the skills I did learn with the company, and apply them to my own path and purpose. I love what I do. I build community. I provide safe spaces. I teach. I learn. I heal. But disclaimer, I'm not a medical professional. It's not that kind of healing. It's a deeply spiritual, emotional experience, though it is complementary to traditional, physical medicine. I love. I grow. I expand. I connect. I am.

25 Dec 2023: XIII Death

The end of the year is rapidly approaching. I've taken a two week break from my "9 to 5" to reset my home, spend time with my family, and focus on getting my ducks in a row for 2024 with Solar Moon Sisters. I've got big plans, and you'll be changes slowly rolling out as I go. I absolutely can't wait for 2024; I haven't been THIS excited for some time. Thank you to everyone who is a part of my community, I wouldn't feel so empowered without you.

4 Aug 2023: Knight of... Something

We're doing things! We're running forward with our manifestations and hope, ready to do whatever we can! Coming in September, we'll be adding a fun new tarot option for an alcohol free "girls" night that involves refreshments and tarot readings. We have a lot of markets coming, including new Witches Markets venues, and Hamilpalooza! This Fall, we have something fun planned with the Benninghofen House. In the winter, we're *finally* offering our Secular Tarot course that runs for six consecutive weeks. There is a LOT in the works. Elizabeth is beyond excited, and she's dragging Ivy and Mo along, one "AND THEN THIS" at a time! We are EXCITED.

17 May 2023: Eight of Wands!

Hello my precious sunbeams! My brain bees have been going crazy lately! I have so many ideas and things I want to do on my journey to bring divination and personal development to my clients, but I have to slow down and decide on a path. Trying to do everything at once is impossible, and I'm on my way to burn out. So how do I focus this energy? What is it I want?

The tarot decks I offer will be almost exclusively from smaller publishers. I will have some important staples and smaller distributed decks from US Games, Inc, Penguin Random House, and Llewellyn, but most of my decks will come from Red Wheel/Weiser, Quarto, Union Square Co, and direct from self published creators. I want to offer the gems I find on my search for my own collection. There are so many art styles, decks, reading styles, books, and just an endless wealth of information out there; it's important that I keep it to my own experience and perspective to have a unique purpose. I am of course open to carrying really cool indie products, so please reach out to me any time for collaboration. For example, I have spell kits that feature candles from Backporch Magick and SoulShine Tarot Candles; I have crystals in many of my kits from so many vendors, but Compassionate Crystals, Mending Moon Apothecary, and Cobble Creek Mining Co come to mind. My pendulum kits feature boards from Zen and Meow. I carry multiple self published decks. Moon Child has a MSC Beauty x Solar Moon Sister collection. I LOVE seeing the magick people are creating and putting out into the world, and I want to amplify their voices however I can. They have skills I don't possess, but I have purpose that requires their skills, and I adore that we can combine our passion to create something amazing.

9 April 2023: a Page and Knight walk into a bar... 🪙

Hey sunbeams!! I've been working on bringing fun new events to the tarot community for the last few months, and oh how we've grown! We're still learning, so there are occasional growing pains, but every mistake helps us learn, and we move forward more knowledgeable than before we began. In April, we'll be doing a lot of behinds the scene work for the rest of the year, but we will be out and about for public office hours, available for virtual bookings, and teaching Tarot 103: Tools for Tarot and Beyond at Benninghofen House. The trio of sisters will be together the end of April to do some planning. In May, we'll be entering market season, kicking off with a Mother's Day event at Treasures at Pleasant Ave on May 5th. Tarot 101 is making a comeback on May 12th, and the Hamilton Witches Market returns May 27th. It's going to be a busy month, which means lots of hands on time with all of you! We can't wait!

January 2023: Ace of Wands! Ace of Pentacles! Ace of Swords!

Hey, sunbeams! I'm so excited to announce that 2023 will have many new opportunities for the Solar Moon Sisters. We'll be continuing the Coffee & Tarot series, kicking off with a January event at Jupiter Coffee & Donuts in Fairfield, Ohio on the 21st and 22nd. Early February, we'll be holding our first in-person class at the gorgeous Benninghofen House in the historic district of Hamilton, Ohio. For the price of $65, you get tasty snacks to graze, tasty drinks to sip, a workshop on using tarot as a spiritual tool, printouts to use as templates at home, and your very own Broke Bitch Tarot deck to take home. To accompany your deck, you'll also choose a small crystal friend intuitively. There are more workshops being planned for the future, and we're looking forward to the growth 2023 offers our small business.

16 October 2022: It's been awhile, sunbeams!

Hello, sunbeams! This is Elizabeth, your "local" sun witch. We haven't updated our blog in a while because we've been mostly out on our social media pages updating what's going on. I did, however, want to hop on today and just thank everyone for their love and support as we've grown the business. We've been working not only with our wonderful online clientele, but also expanding locally with in-person events. We want to see this grow, grow, grow, so keep sending us events that you think fit our purpose, and we'll keep booking them! We look forward to seeing you the rest of October, and to start booking events for November. See you out there, witches!

31 October 2021: Blessed Samhain!

Samhain is upon us! It's not too late to request your Samhain reads! See the Request a Read page for more details.

In other news, the Shadow Work Deck, recently featured on our IG, is available to buy! Now you can have your own. A link will be added on our links page shortly, as well!

18 October 2021: A Spooky Season Giveaway!

The Sun Witch has the memory of a goldfish, and gets excited like a kid in a candy store. Why is this important to know? It's the reason why we have a giveaway launching on site today! Beth was so excited about the October Nine of Realm Subscription Box that she apparently ordered two! While she could probably find a reason why she needs DOUBLE the spookiness, it makes more sense to pass a sub box on to one of you! Check the Giveaway page for more info. 👻

03 October 2021: Into the Shadow of 2021

As we enter into the final quarter of 2021, we transition to rest, and reflecting on the past year. What lessons has it taught us? What have we outgrown that we should leave behind? To help focus on releasing things that do not serve us, I am offering free shadow work reads for the month of October. Please visit the Request a Read page to get started.

30 August 2021: Sending our manifestations out into the world!

I am currently testing this format, so please be patient as you see this page wiggle and transform. It's my first day?